Where did you two meet?
- Matt and I met through our mutual friend Katie. She cooked both of us supper. At time time, Matt had a girlfriend, but we had a class together the following semester. We ended up working on homework and studying together and eventually dating.
- We went to a little dive Mexican restaurant, also on Katie's recommendation, called Acapulco.
- After a night of watching movies and ice cream at Matt's house, he walked me to my car and kissed me goodnight.
- Matt lived in Florida till he was 12 then moved to Farmington, MN. I consider him a Minnesota kid. His parents still live in Farmington and have a cabin on Lake Mile Lacs that we visit during the summer.
- Matt and I will have been dating for two and a half years by the time the wedding rolls around.
- Of those two and a half years, we have lived at least 2 hours away from each other 30% of the time. This is because of two separate summer internships and him moving away for work after graduation. It hasn't exactly been fun, but I think it made us figure out what was important and work on our communication.
- Matt currently works as a Sales Agronomist for South Central Grain in Napoleon, ND. Its a division of CHS. Matt spent the past two summers interning there and they offered him a job last fall. He started in December and thus far really seems to like it.
- Coke with grenadine, or if we went to a bar it would be Grain Belt Nordeast.
- It always seems like that when Matt comes to visit his suitcase explodes. Clothes everywhere. Laundry is not his strong suit. If you were to ask him that same question about me, he would probably say that my need to be early and my very strict bedtime.
- During our free time we like to travel (thus far we have been to Miami, Tampa, Medora, and a few other places), hunt, fish, cook, watch tv... things normal twenty somethings like to do.
- One of my favorite things that we do together is meal planning for the week. That leads to grocery shopping and doing other things together as well.
- Surprisingly, Matt does the cooking. Without him I eat a lot of cereal. I do a lot of baking. Matt's favorites include banana bread, snicker-doodles, and brownies.
- Depends, Matt helps vacuum and dust when I ask nicely.
- Ask me again after the wedding, will ya? The ball is completely in my court on this one. Matt is willing to relocate where ever the opportunity should arise. I've applied for two jobs thus far. One is out of Fargo which I would LOVE to get. It is a farm financial consultant position. The other is Napoleon working for the same company Matt works for. It would be easy to say yes to this. Matt really loves it out there. Great hunting and fishing. Mostly, though its because he already has a job and I could have the small town life and a 8-5 job. The main downfall is that Napoleon is 79 miles from the nearest city. That is if you consider Bismark or Jamestown cities. Another is that it is a small town, with small town problems, and not a lot of young couples without children. My graduate adviser is pushing me to a high powered, high stress, corporate job in the Minneapolis area. If the right job and offer would arise, I would take it. For now, its a wait and see.